Skills Factory Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Now, you have the opportunity to become a Certified Wellness Professional and be a part of this fast-expanding industry. Skills Factory Learning (at Ayurved Rasashala, Pune) has designed and introduced a number of job-specific courses for the wellness sector. On passing the exam, the successful students will be awarded certification by Research Institute of Health Sciences and Management, the education arm of the 80 year old renowned institution Ayurved Rasashala.

Your Career Path

Skills Factory Learning introduces skills-development certification courses, vocational training programs and career enhancement workshops that incorporate industry best practices and provide immediate employment opportunities and entrepreneurship possibilities. All our major courses are zero net cost, when done in entirety. Come, be a part of this novel employability solution that combines the latest of technology with the best of industry requirements.

After successful completion of the specific courses, you can:

  • Become an entrepreneur and start your own wellness centre even at home.
  • Take up employment as a Centre Manager or in a senior position.
  • Join any wellness related industry as a specialist.
  • Be a free-lancer and operate in your own free time.

The Wellness Industry domain is a fast expanding area with immense entrepreneurship and employment opportunities. Each of the courses below offer either value addition to your existing career or opens up a clear path to gainful employment – full time, part time or work from home. The best part is that you can enrol for these courses with a minimum educational qualification of just 12th Standard with the assurance that many vacancies exist in the high-paying field of Wellness.
The Wellness Industry is not organized but is still growing at 20 percent per annum. It is mostly manned unqualified and non-certified personnel who have learnt on the job without any structured and professional training. Hence, there is an acute shortage of certified professionals. Getting certified opens up new opportunities, better paying opportunities and extra income opportunities, either as an employee or as an entrepreneur.

Come, get certified be a part of this lucrative industry!

Food plays a central role in the health of adults and children. “We are what we eat” is a well-known adage. While a lot of focus there on children in planning their diet, similar attention to diet and nutrition is not paid to adults. The spotlight shifts to diet and nutrition begins when adults have health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, problems arising from being overweight like orthopaedic issues, heart-related problems, sleeplessness, etc. Doctors invariably recommend a change in diet, especially in case of overweight and obesity.
The Certification Course in Nutrition and Dietetics gives you the knowledge required to understand human diet and nutrition and learn to apply various methodologies to assess nutrition status dietary recommendations.

12th Standard or equivalent

Weekdays batch: 4 hours per day, 5 times a week for three weeks. Examination in 4th week.
Weekends batch: 6 hours per day on Saturdays and Sundays, for five weeks. Examination in 6th week.

15 students

The course is very practical in nature. It aims to give every student the core skills required to successfully weigh and interpret the information and co-relation between health, diet and nutrition.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
>>Get a thorough grounding of all aspects of human diet and nutrition.
>>Understand the role of diet in causing and preventing various diseases, particularly chronic illnesses.
>>Know the methodology used to assess nutrition status.
>> Formulate dietary recommendations.
>>Comprehend the nuances of a healthy diet and food choices and explain why and how such choices will help prevent health problems.

>>Full time dietician or nutritionist
>>Health Educator in Health and Wellness Centres and Obesity Clinics
>>Health Counsellor in Hospitals and Corporate Houses
>>Diet Planner in Gyms, Hotels, Boarding Schools and Working Men’s/Women’s Hostels
>>Diet and Nutrition Care-giver in hospices
>>Freelance Nutritionist and Diet Planner working with Personal Trainers and Sports Coaches
>>(Non-career engagement) At- home diet planner for a family member with chronic or geriatric related illness.
>>Diet Planner for Old Age Homes and Senior Citizens Residential Enclaves

With growing lifestyle diseases on the rise, the importance of diet and nutrition has grown over the years. Today, a dietician or nutritionist is not looked as a luxury but a necessary person with expertise and respected for his/her knowledge and ability to deliver sound advice. Corporate houses too have realized that the health of employees has a direct impact on the corporate’s efficiency and thereby on the profitability. Gyms, health clubs, hostels and hospitals now pay more importance to food and its nutritional value. Even households have become health conscious and consider special diets for family members with chronic illnesses. There is a growing segment for sportspersons and film and television stars desirous of a fit body and would welcome the advice of qualified dieticians an nutritionists. Skills Factory Leaning has a well-developed mechanism to assist participants in getting suitable placements.


Payment Weekdays batch (Rs.) Weekend batch (Rs.)
Instalment scheme 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 10,000 each 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 9,000 each
Single payment 18,000 16,000

Obesity is a raging issue in India. More and more individuals are becoming over-weight. If not attended to urgently, these individuals become obese. There are shocking statistics to show how prevalent the problem of overweight and obesity is in Obesity Control and Weight Management.
73% of urban Indians are overweight!
Of these urban individuals, half of them are obese!
5 out of 10 urban Indians are trying to lose weight!
Of those who try to lose weight, just 1 out of 20 are able to do so.
Only 1 out of 30 is able to maintain the weight loss. The rest are unable to maintain the weight loss and gain weight rapidly.
It is a well-proven medical fact that overweight and obesity is an invitation to a host of health related problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, orthopaedic issues, sleeplessness, etc.
Obesity control and weight management is therefore the key to acquiring and retaining good health.
What then is preventing individuals from managing their weight and become healthy again is the lack of proper guidance, appropriate advice and access to latest medical developments and the technology tools to achieve this purpose.
There is a huge demand for personnel who can fill this gap. The Certification Course in Obesity Control and Weight Management will fulfil this vast demand and thus help provide gainful employment opportunities to earn a handsome income for successful participants.

12th Standard or equivalent

Weekdays batch: 4 hours per day, 5 times a week for three weeks. Examination in 4th week.
Weekends batch: 6 hours per day on Saturdays and Sundays, for five weeks. Examination in 6th week.

15 students

Obesity and Weight Management Course aims to give all participants/students the core skills required to successfully support overall physical and mental health. This course provides an insight into the 4 M’s of Obesity Assessment and Management viz. Metabolic-Mental-Mechanical and Monetary. It concentrates more on the WHY component of Obesity so that participants/students gain more insightful knowledge that can be applied immediately to obtain better results in weight management and obesity control.

>>Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
>>Get a thorough grounding in all aspects of Obesity Control.
>>Obtain knowledge on Weight Management
>>Understand how diet, stress, lifestyle and environment contribute to obesity
>>Comprehend the complex nature of Obesity
>>Assess cultural influences on obesity.
>>Gain knowledge on how the application of various aspects of obesity control and weight management will help avoid related illnesses or reduce their intensity or eliminate them over a period of time.
>>Learn to communicate effectively as an expert with obese patients.
>>Advise obese and overweight individuals or steps to be taken to lessen or control their infirmity.

Weight Management Therapist in Health Clubs and Wellness Centres, Hospitals and Health Resorts Obesity Control Consultant for Corporate Houses
>>Weight Loss Advisor for Gyms, Clubs and Hotels
>>Full time or part time Slimming Therapist
>>Weight Management Specialist in Obesity Clinics
>>Health Educator in Schools, Colleges and Students’ and Working Women’s Hostels
>>(Non-career engagement) At-home Obesity Control Therapist for family members
>>Full time or part time Obesity Management Instructor in club houses of residential enclaves and townships

Demand is high for Slimming Therapists, Weight Loss Experts, Obesity Management Specialists and Weight Reduction Advisors. With obesity levels at an all-time high, there is an ever increasing need for professionals with specialist knowledge and expertise in weight loss. With diabetes becoming rampant and beginning to afflict people at younger and younger ages, the need to strictly control weight of diabetics is part of the overall line of treatment to keep diabetes under control or even reduce the intensity of diabetes. Slimming centres, obesity clinics and weight loss centres are being opened even in rural areas – thus expanding the scope of employment ten-fold. Successful participants can even take part time employment or be a part time consultant. In view of the spread out demand, the profession is rewarding – whether one takes up a job or works independently. In addition, this profession offers flexible working hours as per your own desire. The changing lifestyle which habits of today’s generation which indirectly promotes obesity, presents an admirable opportunity to participants to employ their knowledge for maximum benefit.
Furthermore, Skills Factory Leaning has a well-developed mechanism to assist participants in getting suitable placements.


Payment Weekdays batch (Rs.) Weekend batch (Rs.)
Instalment scheme 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 10,000 each 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 9,000 each
Single payment 18,000 16,000

Alternative health treatments are increasing in popularity now more than ever before! A study published in the Journal of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Association reports that consumers receive over a million massages a year! That’s why massage therapy is a billion rupee industry. Of all the forms of alternative health treatments, Massage Therapy is among the most popular. It is intensely relaxing and does not call for any exercise or effort on the part of the participant. As a therapy, it is also used as a pain reliever. Hence, Massage Therapy is most preferred by all age groups. Massage Therapy is part of overall healthcare and healthcare is one of the largest growing industries today. The ever increasing number of patients and clients from all walks of life who enjoy the benefits of regular Massage Therapy is the reason why professionally certified Massage Therapists are in such great demand.

12th Standard or equivalent

Weekdays batch: 4 hours per day, 5 times a week for four weeks. Examination in 5th week.
Weekends batch: 6 hours per day on Saturdays and Sundays, for six-and- a-half weeks (total 80 hours). Examination in 7th week.

15 students

The Certification Course in Practical Massage Therapy aims to give all participants the core skills required to administer various kinds of massages. The course will also imbibe knowledge of the complete anatomical structure of major bones and muscles and understand the science behind each kind of massage. In addition, the participants will be able to co-relate symptoms, if any, with the type of massage that would provide possible relief or benefit. The Certification Course in Practical Massage Therapy will also educate the participant on when not to use massage therapy.
The Course is intensely practical oriented and focuses on giving extensive hands-on training comprising almost 70% of practicals.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
>>Get a thorough grounding in aspects of Practical Massage Therapy such as Swedish, Deep-tissue, Foot Reflexology, Indian and Thai Massage and various other physical healing techniques such as acupressure
>>Use specialised massage techniques like Manual Lymph Drainage, Sports Massage, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone Massage and Trigger Point Massage
>>Employ critical thinking skills to evaluate each massage session and apply appropriate bodywork and massage methods
>> Demonstrate scientific and technical knowledge of massage therapy and its effects on the human body
>>Work seamlessly within an interdisciplinary health care team
>> Become effective Massage Therapists
>> Explain to patients and clients the benefits of periodic massage therapy for both therapeutic benefit and as a way to maintain good health and wellness
>> Manage your time in a more efficient manner vis-à-vis client scheduling and maintaining therapy records

>>Massage Therapist in Gyms, Spas, Fitness Centres, Wellness Centres, Senior Citizen’s Residential Enclaves, Retirement Homes and Retirement Villages
>>Therapeutic Massage Specialist in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Polyclinics, Obesity Clinics and Weight Loss Centres
>>Massage Therapy Expert on spas of cruise ships and luxury yachts.
>>Corporate Chair Massage Therapist administering specialised Corporate Chair Massage to senior management personnel of corporates.
>>Sports Massage Therapist

Massage Therapy is an equal opportunity career where both men and women who have been certified can find similar career opportunities. As a Massage Therapist, you have the option of working full-time, part-time or work at home. This career offers flexible working hours as per the assignment you undertake. Cruise ships offer an extremely lucrative career-opening with ample opportunity to visit different countries of the world. As an independent practitioner, you can treat clients and patients full-time or part-time. As an entrepreneur, you can even open your own massage therapy centre. (There is a separate training module in centre management. Click here for that module) [This link will take you to the Wellness Centre Management module]
A relatively new field is opening up whereby you can tie up with wedding planners to provide relaxation massage therapy to tensed up prospective grooms and brides. Another new field is administering Corporate Chair Massage to corporate executives. A third new field is the fast developing sports massage therapy.
Furthermore, Skills Factory Leaning has a well-developed mechanism to assist participants in getting suitable placements.


Payment Weekdays batch (Rs.) Weekend batch (Rs.)
Instalment scheme 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 13,000 each 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 12,000 each
Single payment 24,000 22,000

As the term implies, the Certified Wellness Coach has a through grounding of the various aspects of Wellness, notably Nutrition and Dietetics, Obesity Control, Weight Loss and Weight Management. This puts the participant in a higher position vis-a-vis his/her vocation, employment and entrepreneurship goal. The Certified Wellness Coach is the gateway to a lucrative career or profitable business. As a “Coach”, you would be advising, implementing and controlling the wellness regime of your clients and enjoy in the wellness industry a status that is greater than others because of your certification. This certification commands value because it is awarded under the aegis of the Research Institute of Health Sciences and Management.

12th Standard or equivalent

12th Standard or equivalent plus successful completion of the following courses:
1 . Certification Course in Nutrition and Dietetics
2 . Certification Course in Obesity Control and Weight Management
3 . Certification Course in Practical Massage Therapy
4 . Certified Wellness Coach Course
The certification will be awarded under the aegis of Research Institute of Health Sciences and Management.

Weekdays batch: 4 hours per day, 5 times a week for three weeks. Examination in 4th week.
Weekends batch: 6 hours per day on Saturdays and Sundays, for five weeks. Examination in 6th week.

15 students

The course is based on the process of dovetailing various wellness measures like Nutrition and Dietetics, Massage Therapy, Obesity Control, Weight Loss and Weight Management. Based on the integration, the participant is taught the various levels of managing these wellness measures. The participant is trained to delve into the core issues like identifying the underlying issue that caused the health problem, understand the psychological profile of the client, create a sustainable interest in the client to undertake and continue the line of wellness measures, to effectively monitor these measures and ensure that the client meets the wellness goals set out earlier. The Certified Wellness Coach course is a game-changer course designed to place successful participants on a high pedestal of respect in the health industry and command a following of loyal clients.
The Certified Wellness Coach course has extensive practicals to give a hands-on approach. Plus participants will have the opportunity to work on a live project at well-known fitness centres.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
>>Identify and interpret causes of obesity.
>>Illustrate the harmful effects of being overweight and obese.
>>Assist clients in finding their optimal weight to enhance their quality of life.
>> Recognize how people are prone to eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia and excessive dietary practices.
>>Examine psychological link that exists between individuals and eating disorders.
>> Explain the physiological effects of eating disorders on the human body and how they can be addressed by fitness and wellness professionals.
>> Construct a safe, effective and reasonable weight management program that encourages healthy eating and sensible exercise.

>>Independent Wellness Coach with own practice and clients
>>Wellness Adviser-cum-Implementer to Corporates
>>Weight Management Expert in Weight Loss Centres, Obesity Clinics and Beauty Clinics
>>Weight Loss Counsellor in Hospitals, Poly Clinics and Nursing Homes
>>Health Counsellor in Gyms, Spas, Fitness Centres, Wellness Centres, Senior Citizen’s Residential
>>Enclaves, Retirement Homes and Retirement Villages

Weight management is the number one reason why people join a gym or hire a personal trainer. The overweight and obesity problem is growing at epidemic rates, including in children and teenagers. People are willing to pay for the services of a certified wellness and weight management professional, since certified professionals offer scientific advice and implement safe procedures. Weight loss and diet are closely interlinked and one cannot do without the other. Weight-control and weight-loss centres are coming up even in semi-urban towns as more and ladies as well as gents realize the benefits of weight management and good health.
About two-thirds of adults in India are overweight and approximately one-half of those are obese. That puts one-third of all Indians at dangerously overweight. With the number of dieters on rise, however, many of them never come close to reaching their weight-loss goals or after meeting their goals revert to put the weight back on. Studies suggest that most people are back to their original baseline weight in three to five years.
Not surprisingly, the struggle to lose weight creates huge job opportunities for professionally certified individuals. Becoming certified is the surest way to ace the job interview and to command a higher salary.
Furthermore, Skills Factory Leaning has a well-developed mechanism to assist participants in getting suitable placements.


Payment Weekdays batch (Rs.) Weekend batch (Rs.)
Instalment scheme 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 11,000 each 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 10,000 each
Single payment 20,000 18,000

Wellness is the concept of reasonably keeping good health. The prime factor adversely affecting good health is overweight and obesity. Obesity is changing the world we live in. Across a wide range of sectors – from the food industry to clothing design – we see the impact of the world’s growing waistline. Hence the mainstay of Wellness Centre Management would be tackle the issue of overweight and obesity. This can be done through a well-formulated combination of technology that reduces fat, massage therapy that supplements fat and weight reduction and a sensible diet plan that is based on scientific principles of Nutrition and Dietetics.
This potent combination in the right proportion can go a long way in promoting wellness. This Course attempts not just on the development of knowledge and skills to enable the participant to set up a state-of-art facility for weight loss but also provide insight into the optimal use of nutrition and massage therapy. In addition, the course will attempt to provide participants the vision to see the huge market potential, the niche segments, the high-paying sectors and the business acumen to manage crucial areas like Advertising and Marketing, Recruitment and Human Resource Development, Facility Management, Inventory and Control and Maintenance Management.

12th Standard or equivalent

12th Standard or equivalent plus successful completion of the following courses:
1 . Certification Course in Nutrition and Dietetics
2 . Certification Course in Obesity Control and Weight Management
3 . Certification Course in Practical Massage Therapy
4 . Certified Wellness Centre Management
The certification will be awarded under the aegis of Research Institute of Health Sciences and Management.

Weekdays batch: 4 hours per day, 5 times a week for three weeks. Examination in 4th week.
Weekends batch: 6 hours per day on Saturdays and Sundays, for five weeks. Examination in 6th week.

15 students

The Wellness Centre Management is a specialized course to help achieve your goal of becoming self –employed and to start your own Wellness Centre. Those with an enterprising bent of mind will find the course invaluable to start a successful Centre. While the course includes integration of various services offered in the Wellness Centre, it also imparts knowledge on how establish, run and supervise the operations of the various wellness services, namely Nutrition and Dietetics, Massage Therapy, Obesity Control, Weight Loss and Weight Management. Since the participant has already undergone individual courses as preparation to running a wellness centre, the Wellness Centre Management Certified Course focuses on the managerial aspects of establishing, planning, day to day operations, marketing, promotion, advertising and business development aspects of a Wellness Centre. The Course takes you through a detailed step by step process in simplified terms on running such a Centre.
The course also focuses on the development of knowledge and skills to enable students on completion of the course to be able to set up, run and deliver an effective weight management service and render relevant and focused knowledge to manage the Centre as an efficient small scale entrepreneurial venture.
The Wellness Centre Management Certification Course has extensive practicals to give a hands-on approach. Plus participants will have the opportunity to work on a live project at well-known fitness centres.
This course is a revolutionary introduction to opening the doors to entrepreneurship, even for those who do not have experience of business but who have a burning desire to be independent and build up a business from scratch.
This is also a lucrative opportunity to investors and businessmen who are looking for great returns. They too can establish wellness centres by hiring Wellness Centre Management certified professionals to profitable run their business.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
>>Get a thorough grounding in all aspects of managing a Wellness Centre
>>Design programs and implementation strategies for Weight Management, Obesity Control, Weight Loss using sophisticated and technologically state of art equipment, highly advanced techniques in massage therapy and medically proven nutrition and dietetics programs.
>>Implement specialized programs in the areas of ……………….
Learn to control the operations of each section of the Wellness Centre viz. Weight Loss Centre, Massage Therapy, Nutrition and Dietetics Advisory
>> Effectively devise solutions to enhance quality of life of your clients Understand the psychographics of clients and devise ways to assist them, keeping their psychology in mind.
>>Devise advertising strategies, marketing plans, sales promotion techniques to garner and retain clients.
>> Create systems and procedures to run the Wellness Centre

>>An Entrepreneur setting up and running a Weight Loss Management Centre
>>Project Consultant to corporate houses, sports clubs, Gyms for setting up Wellness Centre
>>Project Consultant to businessmen who wish to set up a Weight Loss Management Centre or clinic.
>>A Centre Manager for a Wellness or Health Chain for managing a Wellness Centre or a Weight Loss Centre.
>>Run a small Slimming Centre, Health Club, a Gym a Beauty Parlour with special emphasis on Obesity Control and Weight Loss
>>Free-lance Weight Loss Advisor for sports clubs, Recreation Centres of Townships

Awareness about the necessity for Wellness and the need to reduce weight has grown tremendously. Wellness is a Rs. 19,000 crore industry. The market is already there. 73% Indians are overweight. Half of urban Indians are obese. 5 out of 10 Indians are trying to lose weight. Obese Indians are averse to surgery. However, they welcome any non-surgical, non-invasive non-dietary, non-exercise method of weight loss. This presents an incredible opportunity to businesspersons, entrepreneurs and certified centre managers. The growth of obesity clinics has seen a huge rise even in semi-rural and rural areas. Those who prefer employment can, given the right professional training can become successful centre managers
Furthermore, Skills Factory Leaning has a well-developed mechanism to assist participants in getting suitable placements.


Payment Weekdays batch (Rs.) Weekend batch (Rs.)
Instalment scheme 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 14,500 each 2 fortnightly instalments of Rs. 13,500 each
Single payment 27,000 25,000
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