/* JSCookMenu v2.0.3 (c) Copyright 2002-2006 by Heng Yuan http://jscook.sourceforge.net/JSCookMenu/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // default node properties var _cmNodeProperties = { // theme prefix prefix: 'ThemeGray', // main menu display attributes // // Note. When the menu bar is horizontal, // mainFolderLeft and mainFolderRight are // put in . When the menu // bar is vertical, they would be put in // a separate TD cell. // HTML code to the left of the folder item mainFolderLeft: '', // HTML code to the right of the folder item mainFolderRight: '', // HTML code to the left of the regular item mainItemLeft: '', // HTML code to the right of the regular item mainItemRight: '', // sub menu display attributes // HTML code to the left of the folder item folderLeft: '', // HTML code to the right of the folder item folderRight: '', // HTML code to the left of the regular item itemLeft: '', // HTML code to the right of the regular item itemRight: '', // cell spacing for main menu mainSpacing: 0, // cell spacing for sub menus subSpacing: 0, // optional settings // If not set, use the default // auto disappear time for submenus in milli-seconds delay: 500, // 1st layer sub menu starting index zIndexStart: 1000, // z-index incremental step for subsequent layers zIndexInc: 5, // sub menu header appears before the sub menu table subMenuHeader: null, // sub menu header appears after the sub menu table subMenuFooter: null, // submenu location adjustments // // offsetHMainAdjust for adjusting the first submenu // of a 'hbr' menu. // offsetVMainAdjust for adjusting the first submenu // of a 'vbr' menu. // offsetSubAdjust for subsequent level of submenus // offsetHMainAdjust: [0, 0], offsetVMainAdjust: [0, 0], offsetSubAdjust: [0, 0], // act on click to open sub menu // not yet implemented // 0 : use default behavior // 1 : hover open in all cases // 2 : click on main, hover on sub // 3 : click open in all cases (illegal as of 1.5) clickOpen: 1, // special effects on open/closing a sub menu effect: null }; // Globals var _cmIDCount = 0; var _cmIDName = 'cmSubMenuID'; // for creating submenu id var _cmTimeOut = null; // how long the menu would stay var _cmCurrentItem = null; // the current menu item being selected; var _cmNoAction = new Object (); // indicate that the item cannot be hovered. var _cmNoClick = new Object (); // similar to _cmNoAction but does not respond to mouseup/mousedown events var _cmSplit = new Object (); // indicate that the item is a menu split var _cmMenuList = new Array (); // a list of the current menus var _cmItemList = new Array (); // a simple list of items var _cmFrameList = new Array (); // a pool of reusable iframes var _cmFrameListSize = 0; // keep track of the actual size var _cmFrameIDCount = 0; // keep track of the frame id var _cmFrameMasking = true; // use the frame masking // disable iframe masking for IE7 /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version >= 5.6) if (_cmFrameMasking) { var v = navigator.appVersion; var i = v.indexOf ("MSIE "); if (i >= 0) { if (parseInt (navigator.appVersion.substring (i + 5)) >= 7) _cmFrameMasking = false; } } @end @*/ var _cmClicked = false; // for onClick // flag for turning on off hiding objects // // 0: automatic // 1: hiding // 2: no hiding var _cmHideObjects = 0; // Utility function to do a shallow copy a node property function cmClone (nodeProperties) { var returnVal = new Object (); for (v in nodeProperties) returnVal[v] = nodeProperties[v]; return returnVal; } // // store the new menu information into a structure to retrieve it later // function cmAllocMenu (id, menu, orient, nodeProperties, prefix) { var info = new Object (); info.div = id; info.menu = menu; info.orient = orient; info.nodeProperties = nodeProperties; info.prefix = prefix; var menuID = _cmMenuList.length; _cmMenuList[menuID] = info; return menuID; } // // request a frame // function cmAllocFrame () { if (_cmFrameListSize > 0) return cmGetObject (_cmFrameList[--_cmFrameListSize]); var frameObj = document.createElement ('iframe'); var id = _cmFrameIDCount++; frameObj.id = 'cmFrame' + id; frameObj.frameBorder = '0'; frameObj.style.display = 'none'; frameObj.src = 'javascript:false'; document.body.appendChild (frameObj); frameObj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=0)'; frameObj.style.zIndex = 99; frameObj.style.position = 'absolute'; frameObj.style.border = '0'; frameObj.scrolling = 'no'; return frameObj; } // // make a frame resuable later // function cmFreeFrame (frameObj) { _cmFrameList[_cmFrameListSize++] = frameObj.id; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Drawing Functions and Utility Functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // produce a new unique id // function cmNewID () { return _cmIDName + (++_cmIDCount); } // // return the property string for the menu item // function cmActionItem (item, isMain, idSub, menuInfo, menuID) { _cmItemList[_cmItemList.length] = item; var index = _cmItemList.length - 1; idSub = (!idSub) ? 'null' : ('\'' + idSub + '\''); var clickOpen = menuInfo.nodeProperties.clickOpen; var onClick = (clickOpen == 3) || (clickOpen == 2 && isMain); var param = 'this,' + isMain + ',' + idSub + ',' + menuID + ',' + index; var returnStr; if (onClick) returnStr = ' onmouseover="cmItemMouseOver(' + param + ',false)" onmousedown="cmItemMouseDownOpenSub (' + param + ')"'; else returnStr = ' onmouseover="cmItemMouseOverOpenSub (' + param + ')" onmousedown="cmItemMouseDown (' + param + ')"'; return returnStr + ' onmouseout="cmItemMouseOut (' + param + ')" onmouseup="cmItemMouseUp (' + param + ')"'; } // // this one is used by _cmNoClick to only take care of onmouseover and onmouseout // events which are associated with menu but not actions associated with menu clicking/closing // function cmNoClickItem (item, isMain, idSub, menuInfo, menuID) { // var index = _cmItemList.push (item) - 1; _cmItemList[_cmItemList.length] = item; var index = _cmItemList.length - 1; idSub = (!idSub) ? 'null' : ('\'' + idSub + '\''); var param = 'this,' + isMain + ',' + idSub + ',' + menuID + ',' + index; return ' onmouseover="cmItemMouseOver (' + param + ')" onmouseout="cmItemMouseOut (' + param + ')"'; } function cmNoActionItem (item) { return item[1]; } function cmSplitItem (prefix, isMain, vertical) { var classStr = 'cm' + prefix; if (isMain) { classStr += 'Main'; if (vertical) classStr += 'HSplit'; else classStr += 'VSplit'; } else classStr += 'HSplit'; return eval (classStr); } // // draw the sub menu recursively // function cmDrawSubMenu (subMenu, prefix, id, nodeProperties, zIndexStart, menuInfo, menuID) { var str = '
'; if (nodeProperties.subMenuHeader) str += nodeProperties.subMenuHeader; str += ''; var strSub = ''; var item; var idSub; var hasChild; var i; var classStr; for (i = 5; i < subMenu.length; ++i) { item = subMenu[i]; if (!item) continue; if (item == _cmSplit) item = cmSplitItem (prefix, 0, true); item.parentItem = subMenu; item.subMenuID = id; hasChild = (item.length > 5); idSub = hasChild ? cmNewID () : null; str += ''; if (item[0] != null) str += item[0]; else str += hasChild ? nodeProperties.folderLeft : nodeProperties.itemLeft; str += ''; } str += '
' + item[1]; str += ''; if (hasChild) { str += nodeProperties.folderRight; strSub += cmDrawSubMenu (item, prefix, idSub, nodeProperties, zIndexStart + nodeProperties.zIndexInc, menuInfo, menuID); } else str += nodeProperties.itemRight; str += '
'; if (nodeProperties.subMenuFooter) str += nodeProperties.subMenuFooter; str += '
' + strSub; return str; } // // The function that builds the menu inside the specified element id. // // id id of the element // orient orientation of the menu in [hv][ub][lr] format // menu the menu object to be drawn // nodeProperties properties for the theme // prefix prefix of the theme // function cmDraw (id, menu, orient, nodeProperties, prefix) { var obj = cmGetObject (id); if (!prefix) prefix = nodeProperties.prefix; if (!prefix) prefix = ''; if (!nodeProperties) nodeProperties = _cmNodeProperties; if (!orient) orient = 'hbr'; var menuID = cmAllocMenu (id, menu, orient, nodeProperties, prefix); var menuInfo = _cmMenuList[menuID]; // setup potentially missing properties if (!nodeProperties.delay) nodeProperties.delay = _cmNodeProperties.delay; if (!nodeProperties.clickOpen) nodeProperties.clickOpen = _cmNodeProperties.clickOpen; if (!nodeProperties.zIndexStart) nodeProperties.zIndexStart = _cmNodeProperties.zIndexStart; if (!nodeProperties.zIndexInc) nodeProperties.zIndexInc = _cmNodeProperties.zIndexInc; if (!nodeProperties.offsetHMainAdjust) nodeProperties.offsetHMainAdjust = _cmNodeProperties.offsetHMainAdjust; if (!nodeProperties.offsetVMainAdjust) nodeProperties.offsetVMainAdjust = _cmNodeProperties.offsetVMainAdjust; if (!nodeProperties.offsetSubAdjust) nodeProperties.offsetSubAdjust = _cmNodeProperties.offsetSubAdjust; // save user setting on frame masking menuInfo.cmFrameMasking = _cmFrameMasking; var str = ''; var strSub = ''; var vertical; // draw the main menu items if (orient.charAt (0) == 'h') { str += ''; vertical = false; } else { vertical = true; } var i; var item; var idSub; var hasChild; var classStr; for (i = 0; i < menu.length; ++i) { item = menu[i]; if (!item) continue; item.menu = menu; item.subMenuID = id; str += vertical ? ' 5); idSub = hasChild ? cmNewID () : null; str += cmActionItem (item, 1, idSub, menuInfo, menuID) + '>'; if (item == _cmSplit) item = cmSplitItem (prefix, 1, vertical); if (item[0] == _cmNoAction || item[0] == _cmNoClick) { str += cmNoActionItem (item); str += vertical? '' : ''; continue; } classStr = prefix + 'Main' + (hasChild ? 'Folder' : 'Item'); str += vertical ? ''; /*str += (item[0] == null) ? (hasChild ? nodeProperties.mainFolderLeft : nodeProperties.mainItemLeft) : item[0];*/ str += hasChild ? nodeProperties.mainFolderLeft : nodeProperties.mainItemLeft; str += vertical ? '' : ''; str += vertical ? ''; str += item[1]; str += vertical ? '' : ''; str += vertical ? ''; str += hasChild ? nodeProperties.mainFolderRight : nodeProperties.mainItemRight; str += vertical ? '' : ''; str += vertical ? '' : ''; if (hasChild) strSub += cmDrawSubMenu (item, prefix, idSub, nodeProperties, nodeProperties.zIndexStart, menuInfo, menuID); } if (!vertical) str += ''; str += '
' + strSub; obj.innerHTML = str; } // // The function builds the menu inside the specified element id. // // This function is similar to cmDraw except that menu is taken from HTML node // rather a javascript tree. This feature allows links to be scanned by search // bots. // // This function basically converts HTML node to a javascript tree, and then calls // cmDraw to draw the actual menu, replacing the hidden menu tree. // // Format: // // function cmDrawFromText (id, orient, nodeProperties, prefix) { var domMenu = cmGetObject (id); var menu = null; for (var currentDomItem = domMenu.firstChild; currentDomItem; currentDomItem = currentDomItem.nextSibling) { if (!currentDomItem.tagName) continue; var tag = currentDomItem.tagName.toLowerCase (); if (tag != 'ul' && tag != 'ol') continue; menu = cmDrawFromTextSubMenu (currentDomItem); break; } if (menu) cmDraw (id, menu, orient, nodeProperties, prefix); } // // a recursive function that build menu tree structure // function cmDrawFromTextSubMenu (domMenu) { var items = new Array (); for (var currentDomItem = domMenu.firstChild; currentDomItem; currentDomItem = currentDomItem.nextSibling) { if (!currentDomItem.tagName || currentDomItem.tagName.toLowerCase () != 'li') continue; if (currentDomItem.firstChild == null) { items[items.length] = _cmSplit; continue; } var item = new Array (); var currentItem = currentDomItem.firstChild; var hasAction = false; for (; currentItem; currentItem = currentItem.nextSibling) { // scan for span or div tag if (!currentItem.tagName) continue; if (currentItem.className == 'cmNoClick') { item[0] = _cmNoClick; item[1] = getActionHTML (currentItem); hasAction = true; break; } if (currentItem.className == 'cmNoAction') { item[0] = _cmNoAction; item[1] = getActionHTML (currentItem); hasAction = true; break; } var tag = currentItem.tagName.toLowerCase (); if (tag != 'span') continue; if (!currentItem.firstChild) item[0] = null; else item[0] = currentItem.innerHTML; currentItem = currentItem.nextSibling; break; } if (hasAction) { items[items.length] = item; continue; } if (!currentItem) continue; for (; currentItem; currentItem = currentItem.nextSibling) { if (!currentItem.tagName) continue; var tag = currentItem.tagName.toLowerCase (); if (tag == 'a') { item[1] = currentItem.innerHTML; item[2] = currentItem.href; item[3] = currentItem.target; item[4] = currentItem.title; if (item[4] == '') item[4] = null; } else if (tag == 'span' || tag == 'div') { item[1] = currentItem.innerHTML; item[2] = null; item[3] = null; item[4] = null; } break; } for (; currentItem; currentItem = currentItem.nextSibling) { // scan for span tag if (!currentItem.tagName) continue; var tag = currentItem.tagName.toLowerCase (); if (tag != 'ul' && tag != 'ol') continue; var subMenuItems = cmDrawFromTextSubMenu (currentItem); for (i = 0; i < subMenuItems.length; ++i) item[i + 5] = subMenuItems[i]; break; } items[items.length] = item; } return items; } // // obtain the actual action item's action, which is inside a // table. The first row should be it // function getActionHTML (htmlNode) { var returnVal = ''; var currentDomItem; // find the table first for (currentDomItem = htmlNode.firstChild; currentDomItem; currentDomItem = currentDomItem.nextSibling) { if (currentDomItem.tagName && currentDomItem.tagName.toLowerCase () == 'table') break; } if (!currentDomItem) return returnVal; // skip over tbody for (currentDomItem = currentDomItem.firstChild; currentDomItem; currentDomItem = currentDomItem.nextSibling) { if (currentDomItem.tagName && currentDomItem.tagName.toLowerCase () == 'tbody') break; } if (!currentDomItem) return returnVal; // get the first tr for (currentDomItem = currentDomItem.firstChild; currentDomItem; currentDomItem = currentDomItem.nextSibling) { if (currentDomItem.tagName && currentDomItem.tagName.toLowerCase () == 'tr') break; } if (!currentDomItem) return returnVal; return currentDomItem.innerHTML; } // // get the DOM object associated with the item // function cmGetMenuItem (item) { if (!item.subMenuID) return null; var subMenu = cmGetObject (item.subMenuID); // we are dealing with a main menu item if (item.menu) { var menu = item.menu; // skip over table, tbody, tr, reach td subMenu = subMenu.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; var i; for (i = 0; i < menu.length; ++i) { if (menu[i] == item) return subMenu; subMenu = subMenu.nextSibling; } } else if (item.parentItem) // sub menu item { var menu = item.parentItem; var table = cmGetObject (item.subMenuID + 'Table'); if (!table) return null; // skip over table, tbody, reach tr subMenu = table.firstChild.firstChild; var i; for (i = 5; i < menu.length; ++i) { if (menu[i] == item) return subMenu; subMenu = subMenu.nextSibling; } } return null; } // // disable a menu item // function cmDisableItem (item, prefix) { if (!item) return; var menuItem = cmGetMenuItem (item); if (!menuItem) return; if (item.menu) menuItem.className = prefix + 'MainItemDisabled'; else menuItem.className = prefix + 'MenuItemDisabled'; item.isDisabled = true; } // // enable a menu item // function cmEnableItem (item, prefix) { if (!item) return; var menuItem = cmGetMenuItem (item); if (!menuItem) return; if (item.menu) menu.className = prefix + 'MainItem'; else menu.className = prefix + 'MenuItem'; item.isDisabled = true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Mouse Event Handling Functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // action should be taken for mouse moving in to the menu item // // Here we just do things concerning this menu item, w/o opening sub menus. // function cmItemMouseOver (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index, calledByOpenSub) { if (!calledByOpenSub && _cmClicked) { cmItemMouseOverOpenSub (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index); return; } clearTimeout (_cmTimeOut); if (_cmItemList[index].isDisabled) return; var prefix = _cmMenuList[menuID].prefix; if (!obj.cmMenuID) { obj.cmMenuID = menuID; obj.cmIsMain = isMain; } var thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix); // insert obj into cmItems if cmItems doesn't have obj if (!thisMenu.cmItems) thisMenu.cmItems = new Array (); var i; for (i = 0; i < thisMenu.cmItems.length; ++i) { if (thisMenu.cmItems[i] == obj) break; } if (i == thisMenu.cmItems.length) { //thisMenu.cmItems.push (obj); thisMenu.cmItems[i] = obj; } // hide the previous submenu that is not this branch if (_cmCurrentItem) { // occationally, we get this case when user // move the mouse slowly to the border if (_cmCurrentItem == obj || _cmCurrentItem == thisMenu) { var item = _cmItemList[index]; cmSetStatus (item); return; } var thatMenuInfo = _cmMenuList[_cmCurrentItem.cmMenuID]; var thatPrefix = thatMenuInfo.prefix; var thatMenu = cmGetThisMenu (_cmCurrentItem, thatPrefix); if (thatMenu != thisMenu.cmParentMenu) { if (_cmCurrentItem.cmIsMain) _cmCurrentItem.className = thatPrefix + 'MainItem'; else _cmCurrentItem.className = thatPrefix + 'MenuItem'; if (thatMenu.id != idSub) cmHideMenu (thatMenu, thisMenu, thatMenuInfo); } } // okay, set the current menu to this obj _cmCurrentItem = obj; // just in case, reset all items in this menu to MenuItem cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix); var item = _cmItemList[index]; var isDefaultItem = cmIsDefaultItem (item); if (isDefaultItem) { if (isMain) obj.className = prefix + 'MainItemHover'; else obj.className = prefix + 'MenuItemHover'; } cmSetStatus (item); } // // action should be taken for mouse moving in to the menu item // // This function also opens sub menu // function cmItemMouseOverOpenSub (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index) { clearTimeout (_cmTimeOut); if (_cmItemList[index].isDisabled) return; cmItemMouseOver (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index, true); if (idSub) { var subMenu = cmGetObject (idSub); var menuInfo = _cmMenuList[menuID]; var orient = menuInfo.orient; var prefix = menuInfo.prefix; cmShowSubMenu (obj, isMain, subMenu, menuInfo); } } // // action should be taken for mouse moving out of the menu item // function cmItemMouseOut (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index) { var delayTime = _cmMenuList[menuID].nodeProperties.delay; _cmTimeOut = window.setTimeout ('cmHideMenuTime ()', delayTime); window.defaultStatus = ''; } // // action should be taken for mouse button down at a menu item // function cmItemMouseDown (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index) { if (_cmItemList[index].isDisabled) return; if (cmIsDefaultItem (_cmItemList[index])) { var prefix = _cmMenuList[menuID].prefix; if (obj.cmIsMain) obj.className = prefix + 'MainItemActive'; else obj.className = prefix + 'MenuItemActive'; } } // // action should be taken for mouse button down at a menu item // this is one also opens submenu if needed // function cmItemMouseDownOpenSub (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index) { if (_cmItemList[index].isDisabled) return; _cmClicked = true; cmItemMouseDown (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index); if (idSub) { var subMenu = cmGetObject (idSub); var menuInfo = _cmMenuList[menuID]; cmShowSubMenu (obj, isMain, subMenu, menuInfo); } } // // action should be taken for mouse button up at a menu item // function cmItemMouseUp (obj, isMain, idSub, menuID, index) { if (_cmItemList[index].isDisabled) return; var item = _cmItemList[index]; var link = null, target = '_self'; if (item.length > 2) link = item[2]; if (item.length > 3 && item[3]) target = item[3]; if (link != null) { _cmClicked = false; window.open (link, target); } var menuInfo = _cmMenuList[menuID]; var prefix = menuInfo.prefix; var thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix); var hasChild = (item.length > 5); if (!hasChild) { if (cmIsDefaultItem (item)) { if (obj.cmIsMain) obj.className = prefix + 'MainItem'; else obj.className = prefix + 'MenuItem'; } cmHideMenu (thisMenu, null, menuInfo); } else { if (cmIsDefaultItem (item)) { if (obj.cmIsMain) obj.className = prefix + 'MainItemHover'; else obj.className = prefix + 'MenuItemHover'; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Mouse Event Support Utility Functions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // move submenu to the appropriate location // function cmMoveSubMenu (obj, isMain, subMenu, menuInfo) { var orient = menuInfo.orient; var offsetAdjust; if (isMain) { if (orient.charAt (0) == 'h') offsetAdjust = menuInfo.nodeProperties.offsetHMainAdjust; else offsetAdjust = menuInfo.nodeProperties.offsetVMainAdjust; } else offsetAdjust = menuInfo.nodeProperties.offsetSubAdjust; if (!isMain && orient.charAt (0) == 'h') orient = 'v' + orient.charAt (1) + orient.charAt (2); var mode = String (orient); var p = subMenu.offsetParent; var subMenuWidth = cmGetWidth (subMenu); var horiz = cmGetHorizontalAlign (obj, mode, p, subMenuWidth); if (mode.charAt (0) == 'h') { if (mode.charAt (1) == 'b') subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p) + cmGetHeight (obj) + offsetAdjust[1]) + 'px'; else subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p) - cmGetHeight (subMenu) - offsetAdjust[1]) + 'px'; if (horiz == 'r') subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p) + offsetAdjust[0]) + 'px'; else subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p) + cmGetWidth (obj) - subMenuWidth - offsetAdjust[0]) + 'px'; } else { if (horiz == 'r') subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p) + cmGetWidth (obj) + offsetAdjust[0]) + 'px'; else subMenu.style.left = (cmGetXAt (obj, p) - subMenuWidth - offsetAdjust[0]) + 'px'; if (mode.charAt (1) == 'b') subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p) + offsetAdjust[1]) + 'px'; else subMenu.style.top = (cmGetYAt (obj, p) + cmGetHeight (obj) - cmGetHeight (subMenu) + offsetAdjust[1]) + 'px'; } // IE specific iframe masking method /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version >= 5.5) if (menuInfo.cmFrameMasking) { if (!subMenu.cmFrameObj) { var frameObj = cmAllocFrame (); subMenu.cmFrameObj = frameObj; } var frameObj = subMenu.cmFrameObj; frameObj.style.zIndex = subMenu.style.zIndex - 1; frameObj.style.left = (cmGetX (subMenu) - cmGetX (frameObj.offsetParent)) + 'px'; frameObj.style.top = (cmGetY (subMenu) - cmGetY (frameObj.offsetParent)) + 'px'; frameObj.style.width = cmGetWidth (subMenu) + 'px'; frameObj.style.height = cmGetHeight (subMenu) + 'px'; frameObj.style.display = 'block'; } @end @*/ if (horiz != orient.charAt (2)) orient = orient.charAt (0) + orient.charAt (1) + horiz; return orient; } // // automatically re-adjust the menu position based on available screen size. // function cmGetHorizontalAlign (obj, mode, p, subMenuWidth) { var horiz = mode.charAt (2); if (!(document.body)) return horiz; var body = document.body; var browserLeft; var browserRight; if (window.innerWidth) { // DOM window attributes browserLeft = window.pageXOffset; browserRight = window.innerWidth + browserLeft; } else if (body.clientWidth) { // IE attributes browserLeft = body.clientLeft; browserRight = body.clientWidth + browserLeft; } else return horiz; if (mode.charAt (0) == 'h') { if (horiz == 'r' && (cmGetXAt (obj) + subMenuWidth) > browserRight) horiz = 'l'; if (horiz == 'l' && (cmGetXAt (obj) + cmGetWidth (obj) - subMenuWidth) < browserLeft) horiz = 'r'; return horiz; } else { if (horiz == 'r' && (cmGetXAt (obj, p) + cmGetWidth (obj) + subMenuWidth) > browserRight) horiz = 'l'; if (horiz == 'l' && (cmGetXAt (obj, p) - subMenuWidth) < browserLeft) horiz = 'r'; return horiz; } } // // show the subMenu w/ specified orientation // also move it to the correct coordinates // function cmShowSubMenu (obj, isMain, subMenu, menuInfo) { var prefix = menuInfo.prefix; if (!subMenu.cmParentMenu) { // establish the tree w/ back edge var thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix); subMenu.cmParentMenu = thisMenu; if (!thisMenu.cmSubMenu) thisMenu.cmSubMenu = new Array (); thisMenu.cmSubMenu[thisMenu.cmSubMenu.length] = subMenu; } var effectInstance = subMenu.cmEffect; if (effectInstance) effectInstance.showEffect (true); else { // position the sub menu only if we are not already showing the submenu var orient = cmMoveSubMenu (obj, isMain, subMenu, menuInfo); subMenu.cmOrient = orient; var forceShow = false; if (subMenu.style.visibility != 'visible' && menuInfo.nodeProperties.effect) { try { effectInstance = menuInfo.nodeProperties.effect.getInstance (subMenu, orient); effectInstance.showEffect (false); } catch (e) { forceShow = true; subMenu.cmEffect = null; } } else forceShow = true; if (forceShow) { subMenu.style.visibility = 'visible'; /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version >= 5.5) if (subMenu.cmFrameObj) subMenu.cmFrameObj.style.display = 'block'; @end @*/ } } if (!_cmHideObjects) { _cmHideObjects = 2; // default = not hide, may change behavior later try { if (window.opera) { if (parseInt (navigator.appVersion) < 9) _cmHideObjects = 1; } } catch (e) { } } if (_cmHideObjects == 1) { if (!subMenu.cmOverlap) subMenu.cmOverlap = new Array (); cmHideControl ("IFRAME", subMenu); cmHideControl ("OBJECT", subMenu); } } // // reset all the menu items to class MenuItem in thisMenu // function cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix) { if (thisMenu.cmItems) { var i; var str; var items = thisMenu.cmItems; for (i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { if (items[i].cmIsMain) { if (items[i].className == (prefix + 'MainItemDisabled')) continue; } else { if (items[i].className == (prefix + 'MenuItemDisabled')) continue; } if (items[i].cmIsMain) str = prefix + 'MainItem'; else str = prefix + 'MenuItem'; if (items[i].className != str) items[i].className = str; } } } // // called by the timer to hide the menu // function cmHideMenuTime () { _cmClicked = false; if (_cmCurrentItem) { var menuInfo = _cmMenuList[_cmCurrentItem.cmMenuID]; var prefix = menuInfo.prefix; cmHideMenu (cmGetThisMenu (_cmCurrentItem, prefix), null, menuInfo); _cmCurrentItem = null; } } // // Only hides this menu // function cmHideThisMenu (thisMenu, menuInfo) { var effectInstance = thisMenu.cmEffect; if (effectInstance) effectInstance.hideEffect (true); else { thisMenu.style.visibility = 'hidden'; thisMenu.style.top = '0px'; thisMenu.style.left = '0px'; thisMenu.cmOrient = null; /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version >= 5.5) if (thisMenu.cmFrameObj) { var frameObj = thisMenu.cmFrameObj; frameObj.style.display = 'none'; frameObj.style.width = '1px'; frameObj.style.height = '1px'; thisMenu.cmFrameObj = null; cmFreeFrame (frameObj); } @end @*/ } cmShowControl (thisMenu); thisMenu.cmItems = null; } // // hide thisMenu, children of thisMenu, as well as the ancestor // of thisMenu until currentMenu is encountered. currentMenu // will not be hidden // function cmHideMenu (thisMenu, currentMenu, menuInfo) { var prefix = menuInfo.prefix; var str = prefix + 'SubMenu'; // hide the down stream menus if (thisMenu.cmSubMenu) { var i; for (i = 0; i < thisMenu.cmSubMenu.length; ++i) { cmHideSubMenu (thisMenu.cmSubMenu[i], menuInfo); } } // hide the upstream menus while (thisMenu && thisMenu != currentMenu) { cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix); if (thisMenu.className == str) { cmHideThisMenu (thisMenu, menuInfo); } else break; thisMenu = cmGetThisMenu (thisMenu.cmParentMenu, prefix); } } // // hide thisMenu as well as its sub menus if thisMenu is not // already hidden // function cmHideSubMenu (thisMenu, menuInfo) { if (thisMenu.style.visibility == 'hidden') return; if (thisMenu.cmSubMenu) { var i; for (i = 0; i < thisMenu.cmSubMenu.length; ++i) { cmHideSubMenu (thisMenu.cmSubMenu[i], menuInfo); } } var prefix = menuInfo.prefix; cmResetMenu (thisMenu, prefix); cmHideThisMenu (thisMenu, menuInfo); } // // hide a control such as IFRAME // function cmHideControl (tagName, subMenu) { var x = cmGetX (subMenu); var y = cmGetY (subMenu); var w = subMenu.offsetWidth; var h = subMenu.offsetHeight; var i; for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(tagName).length; ++i) { var obj = document.all.tags(tagName)[i]; if (!obj || !obj.offsetParent) continue; // check if the object and the subMenu overlap var ox = cmGetX (obj); var oy = cmGetY (obj); var ow = obj.offsetWidth; var oh = obj.offsetHeight; if (ox > (x + w) || (ox + ow) < x) continue; if (oy > (y + h) || (oy + oh) < y) continue; // if object is already made hidden by a different // submenu then we dont want to put it on overlap list of // of a submenu a second time. // - bug fixed by Felix Zaslavskiy if(obj.style.visibility == 'hidden') continue; //subMenu.cmOverlap.push (obj); subMenu.cmOverlap[subMenu.cmOverlap.length] = obj; obj.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } // // show the control hidden by the subMenu // function cmShowControl (subMenu) { if (subMenu.cmOverlap) { var i; for (i = 0; i < subMenu.cmOverlap.length; ++i) subMenu.cmOverlap[i].style.visibility = ""; } subMenu.cmOverlap = null; } // // returns the main menu or the submenu table where this obj (menu item) // is in // function cmGetThisMenu (obj, prefix) { var str1 = prefix + 'SubMenu'; var str2 = prefix + 'Menu'; while (obj) { if (obj.className == str1 || obj.className == str2) return obj; obj = obj.parentNode; } return null; } // // A special effect function to hook the menu which contains // special effect object to the timer. // function cmTimeEffect (menuID, show, delayTime) { window.setTimeout ('cmCallEffect("' + menuID + '",' + show + ')', delayTime); } // // A special effect function. Called by timer. // function cmCallEffect (menuID, show) { var menu = cmGetObject (menuID); if (!menu || !menu.cmEffect) return; try { if (show) menu.cmEffect.showEffect (false); else menu.cmEffect.hideEffect (false); } catch (e) { } } // // return true if this item is handled using default handlers // function cmIsDefaultItem (item) { if (item == _cmSplit || item[0] == _cmNoAction || item[0] == _cmNoClick) return false; return true; } // // returns the object baring the id // function cmGetObject (id) { if (document.all) return document.all[id]; return document.getElementById (id); } // // functions that obtain the width of an HTML element. // function cmGetWidth (obj) { var width = obj.offsetWidth; if (width > 0 || !cmIsTRNode (obj)) return width; if (!obj.firstChild) return 0; // use TABLE's length can cause an extra pixel gap //return obj.parentNode.parentNode.offsetWidth; // use the left and right child instead return obj.lastChild.offsetLeft - obj.firstChild.offsetLeft + cmGetWidth (obj.lastChild); } // // functions that obtain the height of an HTML element. // function cmGetHeight (obj) { var height = obj.offsetHeight; if (height > 0 || !cmIsTRNode (obj)) return height; if (!obj.firstChild) return 0; // use the first child's height return obj.firstChild.offsetHeight; } // // functions that obtain the coordinates of an HTML element // function cmGetX (obj) { if (!obj) return 0; var x = 0; do { x += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } while (obj); return x; } function cmGetXAt (obj, elm) { var x = 0; while (obj && obj != elm) { x += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } if (obj == elm) return x; return x - cmGetX (elm); } function cmGetY (obj) { if (!obj) return 0; var y = 0; do { y += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } while (obj); return y; } function cmIsTRNode (obj) { var tagName = obj.tagName; return tagName == "TR" || tagName == "tr" || tagName == "Tr" || tagName == "tR"; } // // get the Y position of the object. In case of TR element though, // we attempt to adjust the value. // function cmGetYAt (obj, elm) { var y = 0; if (!obj.offsetHeight && cmIsTRNode (obj)) { var firstTR = obj.parentNode.firstChild; obj = obj.firstChild; y -= firstTR.firstChild.offsetTop; } while (obj && obj != elm) { y += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } if (obj == elm) return y; return y - cmGetY (elm); } // // extract description from the menu item and set the status text // function cmSetStatus (item) { var descript = ''; if (item.length > 4) descript = (item[4] != null) ? item[4] : (item[2] ? item[2] : descript); else if (item.length > 2) descript = (item[2] ? item[2] : descript); window.defaultStatus = descript; } // // debug function, ignore :) // function cmGetProperties (obj) { if (obj == undefined) return 'undefined'; if (obj == null) return 'null'; var msg = obj + ':\n'; var i; for (i in obj) msg += i + ' = ' + obj[i] + '; '; return msg; } /* v2.0.3 1. Fix an issue with IE6 displaying menu over HTTPS connection. Thanks to Paul Horton for reporting the bug and testing possible solutions. */ /* v2.0.2 1. Minor clean up and some attempts to reduce memory leak in IE. */ /* v2.0.1 1. Disable iframe masking for IE7 since it is no longer necessary. */ /* v2.0 1. improves the way handling flash/iframe/select boxes in IE and firefox and Opera 9. Hiding these elements is no longer necessary. For older versions of Opera, flash/iframe still need to be hidden. 2. Improves cmDrawFromText (). Also allows custom actions. 3. Improves clickOpen behavior. Now once a submenu is opened, opening other sub menus no longer requires clicking. 4. Special Effects. This version has hooks that allow people to install special effects to various themes. 5. For a given menu item, cmGetMenuitem(item) provides the ability to find the corresponding DOM element. 6. Disable API. If you know which item to disable, you can call cmDisableItem(item, themePrefix) and cmEnableItem(item, themePrefix). However, you will have to provide your own CSS for the item. For purposes other than to disable an item, cmGetMenuItem (item) is provided for locating HTML DOM element of the menu item in concern. 7. Better z-index. Now you can specify in the theme property the starting z-index and incremental step for submenus. 8. Allow themes to insert additional elements before and after the sub menu table. 9. Improved themes. More organized and easier to customize. 10. Add a flag to control hiding/nohiding objects/iframes. By default, only Opera before 9 hides objects. 11. Add new property options to control submenu positions to fine tune the look. 12. It is no longer necessary to specify the theme name while calling cmDraw and cmDrawFromText. Currently it still accepts it, but it will not in the future. */ /* v1.4.4 1. a quick fix for a bug for _cmSplit checking. reported by Son Nguyen. */ /* v1.4.3 1. changed how _cmSplit is handled a bit so that _cmNoClick can work properly. All splits in predefined themes are changed to use _cmNoClick instead of _cmNoAction. */ /* v1.4.2 1. fixed _cmNoClick mouse hoover bug. 2. fixed a statusbar text problem that cause text to disappear when hoovering mouse within the same menu item. 3. changed the behavior of cmDrawFromText s.t. if the title of the of a link is empty, the actual url is used as text. To clear this link information, title needs to be ' '. */ /* v1.4.1 1. fixed a problem introduced in 1.4 where re-entering a main menu item which doesn't have a child can disable its hover setting. Apparently I deleted an extra line of code when I was doing cleaning up. Reported by David Maliachi and a few others. */ /* JSCookMenu v1.4 1. fixed a minor td cell closure problem. Thanks to Georg Lorenz for discovering that. 2. added clickOpen to nodeProperties. See _cmNodeProperties for description. Basically menus can be opened on click only. 3. added an ability to draw menu from an html node instead of a javascript tree, making this script search bot friendly (I hope?). */ /* JSCookMenu v1.31 1. fix a bug on IE with causes submenus to display at the top left corner due to doctype. The fix was provided by Burton Strauss . */ /* JSCookMenu v1.3 1. automatically realign (left and right) the submenu when client space is not enough. 2. add _cmNoClick to get rid of menu closing behavior on the particular menu item, to make it possible for things such as search box to be inside the menu. */ /* JSCookMenu v1.25 1. fix Safari positioning issue. The problem is that all TR elements are located at the top left corner. Thus, need to obtain the "virtual" position of these element could be at. */ /* JSCookMenu v1.24 1. fix window based control hiding bug thanks to Felix Zaslavskiy for the fix. */ /* JSCookMenu v1.23 1. correct a position bug when the container is positioned. thanks to Andre for narrowing down the problem. */ /* JSCookMenu v1.22 1. change Array.push (obj) call to Array[length] = obj. Suggestion from Dick van der Kaaden to make the script compatible with IE 5.0 2. Changed theme files a little to add z-index: 100 for sub menus. This change is necessary for Netscape to avoid a display problem. 3. some changes to the DOM structure to make this menu working on Netscape 6.0 (tested). The main reason is that NN6 does not do absolute positioning with tables. Therefore an extra div layer must be put around the table. */ /* JSCookMenu v1.21 1. fixed a bug that didn't add 'px' as part of coordinates. JSCookMenu should be XHTML validator friendly now. 2. removed unnecessary display attribute and corresponding theme entry to fix a problem that Netscape sometimes render Office theme incorrectly */ /* JSCookMenu v1.2. 1. fix the problem of showing status in Netscape 2. changed the handler parameters a bit to allow string literals to be passed to javascript based links 3. having null in target field would cause the link to be opened in the current window, but this behavior could change in the future releases */ /* JSCookMenu v1.1. added ability to hide controls in IE to show submenus properly */ /* JSCookMenu v1.01. cmDraw generates XHTML code */ /* JSCookMenu v1.0. (c) Copyright 2002 by Heng Yuan */